Many who are financially sound got that way by being skilled at accumulating wealth. The question is, did they also accumulate quality of life? Working all the time to build wealth, while at the same time lacking happy experiences with those who are important, is not creating a rich life.
How to Not Become a Slave to Notifications
Sometimes with all of the buzzing, dinging, ringing, and beeping of all the separate devices in your life you can feel like you are living within a video arcade with hundreds of overactive pinball machines.
Your phone jingles whenever you get a text message, your laptop dings when a new email arrives, and your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites also join in the buzzing chaos.
We have gotten in the habit of checking these notifications every few minutes, no matter if they are important or not.
It can be incredibly difficult to focus when you are constantly being distracted by a host of jangling devices, so how can you manage your notifications so that they don’t interrupt your work flow?
How to Simplify Your Inbox When You Suffer From Email Overload
Have you ever came back to work on Monday only to spend your entire morning answering the huge onslaught of emails that are clogging up your inbox?
Are you tired of having 46 unread messages and after reading through them all realizing that only two are important?
Do your co-workers complain that you never respond to their messages?
If you need to improve your email system, here are some tips that will help: