If you pay attention to your credit rating, you may be well aware that a single late payment reflected on your credit report can result in a decline in your scores. In some cases, the decline can be rather significant, and you will have to work hard to make regular payments over a period of time to show that you remain creditworthy and to rebuild your credit score.
Buying for the First Time? The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Mortgage Process
If you have heard nightmarish stories from friends and family members about the home mortgage application process, you are not alone. In fact, some of these stories may have even been a reason why you have held out on moving forward with your plans to purchase your first-home.
Buying a Second Home? Assessing Your Finances to Ensure You Can Afford a Second Mortgage
While there may be numerous benefits associated with the purchase of your second home, you may be concerned about how affordable it will be for you to manage the additional expense of a second mortgage payment.
3 Easy Ways to Put Aside a Bit of Extra Cash So You Can Pay off Your Mortgage Faster
If your personal budget is similar to many other people’s budgets, your home mortgage payment is by far the largest expense that you pay for each month. In fact, this payment may easily account for 20 or 25 percent or more of your take-home income. Understandably, you may be focused on trying to pay this expense off early.
Saving Up for Your First Home? Our Guide to Finding Ways to Save Your Down Payment Faster
If your goal is to purchase a home, you may find that it is challenging to save up enough money for your down payment. While this is something that many first time home buyers struggle with, it is by no means insurmountable.
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