Mortgage rates have been at record lows for quite some time, making it easy for new homebuyers to finance their dream homes. But what comes down will eventually go back up, and with the world economy expected to rebound in 2016, we’re about to start seeing more expensive mortgages. So what can you do to prepare yourself before mortgage rates start to rise? Here are three strategies that will keep you ahead of the game.
Mortgage Budgeting 101: How to Determine What You Can and Can’t Afford
When taking on a new mortgage it is important to know that you can afford to carry the debt load involved, as many people find themselves in financial trouble by spending more on real estate than they can comfortably maintain.
How to Reduce Your Expenses During Retirement
You have worked hard for most of your adult life and the day has come that you will retire and enjoy the freedom of your golden years.
You might take up a hobby, volunteer, or just enjoy working in your garden and socializing with your friends.
If you have been planning ahead and contributing to your retirement fund, you will likely have a nest egg built up which will help you support yourself once you leave your job.
However, it is important to keep your expenses down when you are retired so that your spending won’t outgrow your savings.
If you can reduce your outgoing costs during your retirement years, you can stretch out your savings fund for longer and not have to worry about running out of money.
Here are a few ways that you can reduce your expenses during your retirement:
House on Fire! Easy Tips to Save You Money on Home Insurance
Earthquakes, windstorms, rain damage, flooding, falling trees, vandalism, burglary… there are many things which could possibly happen to cause damage to your home.
This is why homeowner’s insurance is important, so that you can be protected in these unfortunate events.
However, home insurance doesn’t have to be as expensive as you might think.
There are a few ways that you can reduce the cost of this insurance and protect your home for less.
Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund
If you are expecting a large tax refund this year, what will you do with it?
It might be tempting to spend this large windfall on shopping, eating out and other fun things.
However, a tax refund is also an opportunity to gain some financial headway and set you up in a better situation for the future.
Here are a few smart ways to use your tax refund this year: