If you are like many other seniors, you may not have a huge cash reserve available in your bank account, but you may have a sizable nest egg in your home. The fact is that you can tap into that equity without selling your home or taking on a mortgage payment when you apply for a reverse mortgage.
Variable-rate vs. Fixed-rate Mortgages – Which is Better for Your Financial Situation?
If you are thinking about applying for a mortgage, it is important that you consider all of the options carefully and that you understand the key differences between them. Let’s compare variable-rate and fixed-rate mortgages to see which might be the best in your situation.
Understanding the Key Factors That Affect Your Mortgage Interest Rate
When you initially start shopping for a home mortgage, you may be drawn to advertisements for ultra-low interest rates. However, the unfortunate truth is that all too often, mortgage applicants are unpleasantly surprised and even disheartened to learn that they do not qualify for the advertised interest rate.
The Mortgage Pre-approval Letter: Why It’s Important and How to Get One
While you may feel as though you have taken the preliminary steps necessary to prepare yourself to buy a home, it is important that you also get a mortgage pre-approval letter for your financing before you starting hunting for that perfect house or condo.
Missed a Mortgage Payment? How to Ensure It Doesn’t Affect Your Credit Score
If you pay attention to your credit rating, you may be well aware that a single late payment reflected on your credit report can result in a decline in your scores. In some cases, the decline can be rather significant, and you will have to work hard to make regular payments over a period of time to show that you remain creditworthy and to rebuild your credit score.
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