According to the National Association of REALTORS, existing home sales surpassed both May sales and expectations for June.
4 Tips To Lower Homeowners Insurance For Your Home
With the prices for everything skyrocketing these days, every penny counts. This includes your homeowner’s insurance costs.
Understanding Your Credit Score And How It Impacts Your Home Ownership Prospects
Understanding your credit score and how it impacts your home ownership prospects your credit score is an important part of your financial profile. It has a direct impact on your ability to take out loans.
Getting Past No: What To Do If You’re Turned Down For A Mortgage Or Other Home Financing
With most home prices well above what the majority of us have in the bank, getting approved for a mortgage can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to purchasing a piece of property.
What Will Harp 3.0 Mean For Homeowners After 2014?
During the 2009 economic crisis in the United States that resulted in home prices and values falling, a program named HARP was introduced to assist the many affected homeowners.